Eyeing a Good Recipe for Thanksgiving
Consider these eye-healthy foods
Want to eat eye-healthy this Thanksgiving? Mashed potatoes with cream. Stuffing made with sausage and butter; candied yams with caramel sauce and marshmallows; pies, cakes and cookies - It’s a Thanksgiving buffet of our dreams. But over-indulging in these beloved holiday foods can derail your healthy eating habits. Nearly 70% of American adults are either overweight or obese. Being obese increases the risk for health problems such as heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes and more.
According to the American Heart Association, more than 80% of heart disease can be prevented with simply lifestyle changes like exercising 30 minutes most days of the week; eating a healthier diet filled with fruits, vegetables and whole grains; and limiting sodium, saturated fats and added sugars.
Thanksgiving meals aren't typically renowned for their healthy fare - but a few conscious menu choices could offer the family healthy options not only beneficial for eye health, but also for overall health. For ocular nutrition, the rules don't really change—more fruit and veggies, and the more raw, or non-prepared, the better.
Try healthy recipe substitutes to make your favorite holiday recipes better for heart health.
- Instead of butter, substitute equal parts cinnamon-flavored, no-sugar-added applesauce.
- Instead of sugar, use a lower-calorie sugar substitute.
- Instead of whole or heavy cream, substitute low-fat or skim milk.
- Instead of using only white flour, use half white and half whole-wheat flour.
- Instead of adding chocolate chips or candies, use dried fruit, like cranberries or cherries.
- Use extracts like vanilla, almond and peppermint to add flavor, instead of sugar or butter.
- Use vegetable oils such as olive oil instead of butter (even in your mashed potatoes).
- Use herbs and spices, like rosemary and cloves, to flavor dishes instead of butter and salt.
- Use whole-grain breads and pastas instead of white.
- Bake, grill or steam vegetables instead of frying.
- Instead of whole milk or heavy cream, substitute low-fat or fat-free/skim milk.
Proper nutrition is only a part of the healthy eyes menu. It's regular, comprehensive dilated eye examinations that represent the most important portion of the preventive eye health equation. Many common eye diseases have no obvious signs or symptoms, and early diagnosis and intervention can help ward off vision loss.
Call us @ 704-821-5009 before the end of the year to schedule a visit and start another healthy year!